Get a personalised MartialBody 3 month training plan designed specifically for you aimed towards your specific goals and needs.
There are a lot of MartialBody Courses covering numerous different subjects and for some people this is ideal, they can select the things they want to work on and get stuck in. But for others, it can prove to be a difficult choice. Should you be working on Heavybody or connected? How long should you be training for and for what purpose? If you fall into this camp, then getting some help from the MartialBody founder could be a great idea.
If you are stuck with where to take your training or how to plan your weeks and months, why not employ an expert.
Coach Chris has been instructing Martial Artists and Athletes for over a decade in the best way to structure and develop their own practices. Take the confusion out of your training and get a clear impression of how to take your practice forward.
The Private Plan service is a combination of assessments, planning and adjustments. The service gets the right plan for you based on your goals and objectives. Here are the processes included in the planning service.
* Note: planning will only include materials that you have access too in the MartialBody training portal, so as to enable you to have accurate instruction in the methods of the plan
A complete 3 month plan for you to follow and develop your training habits
Justin Hutchinson-New Ways to Hone and Improve Heaviness As a larger guy, I thought I had the whole concept of "heaviness" down; but Heavybody has shown me new ways of applying heaviness and improving the usage of heaviness. I can see this being very useful to practitioners of any weight or size.
As a larger guy, I thought I had the whole concept of "heaviness" down; but Heavybody has shown me new ways of applying heaviness and improving the usage of heaviness. I can see this being very useful to practitioners of any weight or size.
Joseph Lawrence-A truly insightful and groundbreaking course MartialBody Training has made crystal clear and practical, many body skills and attributes that I previously could only get murky and often mysterious explanations for. I thoroughly recommend for literally any martial artist, or anyone interested in developing interesting, intelligent, whole body strength!
MartialBody Training has made crystal clear and practical, many body skills and attributes that I previously could only get murky and often mysterious explanations for. I thoroughly recommend for literally any martial artist, or anyone interested in developing interesting, intelligent, whole body strength!
Jaime Girona-The best MB course so far I can say that these are the best explanations I have ever seen online. Every sincere martial artist should investigate MartialBody. No matter if you follow the training or just enjoy the explanations, your martial "eye" would never be the same after knowing the potential of the spirals
I can say that these are the best explanations I have ever seen online. Every sincere martial artist should investigate MartialBody. No matter if you follow the training or just enjoy the explanations, your martial "eye" would never be the same after knowing the potential of the spirals